Friday, November 10, 2006

School Exchange Program

B1, eldest boy is now in Japan in Japan Singapore student exchange program. He just emailed to me. Three months ago, Hiroki lived with us for a week. Now he is living in Hiroki's home. Hiroki's dad is a stomach and intestine surgeon and mum a otolargynologist(ENT). The house was big and everything is novel to B1. The windows are automatic, no-hands toilet cover, lights that is different from Singapore. He finds the Japanese house high tech and amazing. It is an eye opener and obviously an excellent learning experience.


Anonymous said...

Hi Booklover, Good to know yr son is in Japan. Amazing isn't it,this Japanese home? So you were the PPS who commented in my blog huh? Ok, I will link you to my blog,so more ppl can access yr it ok?
I have 800 to 1000 hits a day on the average. Hope to hear from you.

BookLover said...

Boh Tong, this is fantastic. Thank you! I need to learn from you about the advertising on the blog. Maybe I can earn enough to have coffee everyday.