Friday, November 03, 2006


I have sad feelings sweeping across my total self. My brain turned to stone. My heart is beating aimlessly. This is a mental state I get into periodically since I was since primary school. By the time, I reach secondary school, I seek solace in books - philosophy, religion, self-help, occult and others to understand the meaning of life, to understand why I was born, why are there suffering, why, why, WHY!

Quiet reflections or meditation is impossible. My mind is distracted by... I have no idea what. Biorhythms? Lunar Effects? Smells? Colours? What is the root cause?

Remedies? Mood changing drugs, fantasing, sleeping, movies escapes, yoga, exercise,... the arsenal is growing. The best cure? Time. Time heals everything.


Anonymous said...

Allegro music rejuvenates me. Tap your feet or dance to the beat, guarantee you'll feel refresh. Try it.

BookLover said...

What is allegro music? Can you recommend titles and where to buy? I go to Sembawang Music, HMV? CDShop, etc.