Monday, July 17, 2006

Unhappy Singaporean

It seems like material success does not equate to happiness. The developed countries has a lower happiness index than developing or underdeveloped countries. Hence the underlying implication of money does not buy happiness.

Studies in US did show that when you have little money, more money does buy happiness up to a point. After that, there is diminishing return of money for happiness. Yes, I am not rich. I am happy. Comfortable is how I would put it. I am not poor either.

I like to count my blessings. I have a nice home and family. Our boys are great(just great and NOT perfect as they do give us troubles). We have a good family times. I have a good job that give me reasonable income. My teammates are solid performers and delivers great results for the team. Overall, I am happy in Singapore. Maybe the survey did not pick the right samples.


Li said...

Hey I think it also depend on luck. If the person is interviewed after he had a quarrel with his girlfriend or etc. Of course, he would be unhappy. I don't think this type of survey has much significant. I mean, what is the purpose of tis survey? Will the result make us any happier? I doubt so. I don't think its fair to say that undeveloped countries's citizens are really happy when they have yet to explore the developed countries technologies and etc. Do you think living in the area where you don't know when the next meal will come is good.

BookLover said...

SL, happiness is a state of mind. Material well-being helps but the mindset is more important.