Sunday, July 16, 2006

Lobster fest at Lower Pierce Reservoir

We go to Lower Pierce Reservoir to catch lobsters. We learn about catching lobsters from our neighbour's kid. We decided to go at about 6pm when the sun is low and temperature is more tolerable to be outdoor. As we approached the car park, cars were parked along the road leading to the carpark. I thought it is unusual as Lower Pierce Reservoir is not a popular place. By we were lucky to find a spot to park. As we approached the reservoir, there were hordes of people squatting at the reservoir's edge. We realised they are all doing what we intended to do. Many families were there before us. We have no idea catching lobsters is so well known.

We observes how others catch their lobsters. They have a long stick with they tied bread with one end as a lure. On the other hand is a net. When the lobster is lured out to the open, you must be quick to catch it with your net. It is not easy. However B1 managed to catch one of the biggest. I walked around to compare sizes! It was exciting! We were very pleased to catch a lobster, largest to boot! We also caught 6 small shrimps. They are transparent. The shrimps were attracted by the bread and is easier to catch.

This is a good way to end our weekend, quality family time. And it is free...something rare in Singapore.


Li said...

Hey, so u took the lobster home to cook? Is the lobster fresh and tasty.

BookLover said...

It is a very small lobster. About two and half inches only. The prawns were supposed to be sweet. We did not caught enough. Only 6 shrimps. Another family told us they usually cook if they caught more than 10 shrimps.

BookLover said...
