Monday, June 19, 2006

The 10 Rules of Sam Walton

Sam Walton is the founder of Wal-Mart. The value of the Walmart's shares his family now owns is worth more than US$100 billion. Here are his 10 rules:

1. COMMIT to achieving success and always be passionate
2. SHARE SUCCESS with those who have helped you
3. MOTIVATE yourself and others to achieve your dreams
4. COMMUNICATE with people and show you care
5. APPRECIATE and recognize people for their effort and results
6. CELEBRATE your own and other's accomplishments
7. LISTEN to others and learn from their ideas
8. EXCEED EXPECTATIONS of your customers and others
9. CONTROL EXPENSES and save your way to prosperity
10. SWIM UPSTREAM, be different, and challenge the status quo

Author: Micheal Bergdahl (ex-Wal-Mart Director of HR)

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