Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Internet and TV

I am up at 4:30 am. Turn on the computer and TV. It is a good way to occupy myself if I am up in the middle of the night. I start to think what I did when I first travel to US and experience my first major jet lag. What did I do then? I can remember in US it was easy, there more than 50 channels and CNN was new. I was impressed by the CNN who report news all the time without commercials. I marvel the fact I can put a cup of water and it freezes overnight. Everytime I was out of the hotel, it is like walking out into a giant deep freezer. It was the first winter for me.

When I return to Singapore, what did I do when I am up? We have only two channels then. English and Mandarin, in tv language Channel 5 and Channel 8. Programs end at midnight. No TV or Internet. I must be reading to past time. It must be hard to past time twenty years ago. Maybe it is just a habit change with the technology change. I remember always bringing reading material on every time I fly. Nowaday, reading material is only required when I fly in domestic flights in USA. Singapore Airlines has a wide range of audio visual options.

Internet is the first thing I use when I am up. I will check emails, update my blog, read news, etc. Jet lag become easier to deal with today.

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