Saturday, July 23, 2005

Ever hear of the Professor who forgets his baby?

I looked at my watch. It was 1:05pm...oh! I have to pick up son up from child care. OK, one more email and I will go. A colleague called. We talked about budgets, expenses, backorders, stress in the office...whine about the workload. Finally, we decide time to get back to work on the budget. Hang up the phone and walk down for a quick drink when I realised to my horrors I have completely forgotten about picking up my son!! The time is 1:50pm!! Child care was over at 1:15pm.

I ran all the way. The child care is only 7 mins walk. My teenage son was with me and race way ahead. I was panting and totally out of breath! (Beside taking care of your teeth, exercise regularly!) The teacher brought Lucas out. He is ok...just wondering why daddy has not come yet instead of wailing away thinking he was abandoned. What a relief! We are a happy family again.

Oh! I forgot about the title. This incident brought memories of an old news that a professor brought his baby and was supposed to drop off to child care as his wife was busy and unable to send the baby as she usually does. Well, it was a sad story. The professor forgets that about his baby and left the baby in the car. It was summer and the outcome was tragic. I think it happened in Europe.

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