Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Durian Treats

My schoolmate, TC decided to give a durian treat.  He does this regularly when he is in the mood.  TC is a thrifty man.  He is very stingy on himself but very generous with others.  He is also the owner of a chain of retail stores.  Pretty successful and still very humble.  He is a risk taker and always thinking of business.

Let's focus more on the durians.  We go to his favorite durian store in Geyland.  Oh, yes! I forgot to tell you TC is an owl.  He roams about at night for food.  We had 3 types of durians.

The "old tree" is the most expensive at $28 per kg.  Tastes wise is pretty good.  The meat is soft and creamy.  Flavor quite mild.

Mao Shan Wan or Cat Mountain is the cheapest at $15 per kg.  Taste is bittersweet.  I feel is the best of the 3 types we had.

Black Gold or Hey Jin is at $18 per kg.  I did not like the metallic taste.  The flesh is quite soft and a little wet. 

We had 2 other schoolmates who came and we had a great durian feast. 

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