Friday, March 15, 2019

Sleeping Pattern Change

Now I understand why my Grandmother seems to be up in the middle of the night all the time.  I am now doing the same thing.  My classmate who is an Urologist explains that the bladder becomes smaller and less elastic as we age.  So we need to pee more often.  Also the prostrate swells and block the urine flow making you feel like urinating again after finishing.  That is you have to pee twice unlike before.  Of course prostrate issues does not affect my Grandma.  I see some of my classmates up in the middle of the night.  So it is common to our age group.

We can actually manage this by not drinking or eating too much during dinner.This will not reduce the urine output.  Also my family physican says the kidneys perfused better when lying down.  So the 2 factors add up to waking up to relieve the pressure on the bladder!

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