Friday, December 01, 2017

Last Day of Exams

Today is B1's last day of his Part B exams.  He went out with his friends after the papers.  I am so glad he is done for now.  He has been working hard studying for the exams.  He deserves a break!

B3 is learning wonderful stuff like genetic engineering in Biopolis.  He is doing experiments and pipetting bacteria, making agar to culture them.  He is quite excited learning how to do the experiments.  He learn to splice the DNA and using eletrophersis and centrifuge to separate the DNA strands and insert different DNA into the spliced DNA.  After which, he has to culture the bacteria and ensure they mulitply.  It is very interesting and advanced science.

B2 is also studying hard in Toronto.  He is doing well in essay questions but not good with multiple choice.  MCQ papers, he barely clears but essay papers are 23/25 and 28/30.  He is good in articulating his thoughts and understanding of the topic he is writing about.

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