Friday, October 20, 2017

Wonderful Day in Orchard

My wife has cooking class in Takashimaya.  Also Kino has 20% discount for members.  So we tried to spend some of the money B1 won for his book prize in IT Law.  We had a good time browsing the books and selecting some that we had intend to buy from Internet.  The books in internet are cheaper but at 20% discount the difference is not too great and we can choose a good copy and have our books immediately.  Nowadays, even at 20% Kinokuniya do not have a long queue anymore unlike before.  Most book lovers like me has gone to the internet to do our purchase.

We have a late dinner at about 8:30pm.  It is a good day for us.  When we are done, we buy yakitori with rice for B3 as he is studying at home for his "O" level. 

It is a good start for the weekend.

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