Sunday, July 23, 2017


For a long time, I have not used the pool.  The weather is very hot and I love to be at the poolside.  I can read books and newspaper and take a nap in the breeze.  The only problem is the sun will creep onto you and it become hot and so bright that it burns right through my closed lids.  I also find myself sunburned which makes me think the poolside umbrella offers on shade from the visible light and not the ultraviolet light.

When I first look for a home, swimming pool is a must.  I enjoyed the pool for a few years and then stopped using it.  Sometimes, I wished we bought a terrace or semi-d.  Then we would have capital gain.  Price of my house did not go up much when property market heated up.


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

At least you have a private property as compared to
many who live in HDB flats :)

BookLover said...

I do count my blessings, BT:) Being human, I also lament my missed opportunity.