Monday, November 28, 2016

Lucky to Enjoy Snow for a Couple of Hours

I was very very lucky indeed.  On Saturday morning, there were a few furries.  By afternoon, it became full fledge snow.  Large globes of snow flakes clump together and fall from the sky.  I walk about the outdoor mall in Myeondong.  It is not so cold.  Maybe it is because my breakfast was Ginseng Chicken Soup. 

Some kids just outside the hotel are having so much fun just seeing the snow falls.  It is probably their first time.  Even for me who had experience bad snow storm, like this snow as it is quite nice.  The floor is wet but not slippery or icy.  So it is very enjoyable to walk about and no worrying about slipping.

Yes, I experience Real Christmas!


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

Merry X'mas buddy, a white one for ya? :)

BookLover said...


It is beautiful!

BookLover said...


It is beautiful!