Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Busy Day

I had a busy day.  Early in the morning, cooked breakfast for B3 and B2.  Then send B3 to school and stop by the hawker centre for my morning tea.  I wanted to replenish the eggs but omega 3 is out-of-stock.  The butcher has a long queue.  So no grocery this morning. 

It is work time and I enjoys interacting with my colleagues on-line.  Yes, working from home has lots of advantages but the drawback is isolation.  So even a small interaction is gold!

Lunch is Plaza Sin.  The carpark is more reasonable at $1 during lunch time.  I had single strand noodle.  The food is ok, I am not likely to go back.  After lunch, I had a quick check on right abdomen.  The doctor thinks it is an infection.

More work and dinner is just ice cream with Awfully Chocolate cake.  The day ended so quickly with so much done.

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