Saturday, November 07, 2015

Empty Nest

Tonight and tomorrow's night, we have no boys at home.  It is the first time we have no boys at home!  B2 has night duty for these two nights and B1 and B3 are out-of-town.  We will have more of these nights as B2 have rotating shifts and B3 will be going to Toronto for a month.

Our boys are growing and maturing.  They are getting independent.  I am happy they are doing well.  I have great hopes for them and they will be happy, have good careers and warm families.  I hope they have fond memories of growing up with daddy and mummy and do their best in their work, career and family. 

My wish will be always have their company before I leave this existence.  They will be filial and respectful.  They contribute well to society and do charity work or donate to the temple and charities.  Stay healthy and be safe.

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