Friday, November 20, 2015

Eating Spree

I was in Xiamen from Monday to Thursday.  When I reached home, I ate beehoon soto and satay.  Not satisfied, I had tau suan.  When I reached home, I ate vegetable cracker.  I am so hungry for local taste.  The food in Xiamen was pretty good as my boss has similar taste to me.  He would order meat, stir-fried fresh green, soup and organ meat.  So I ate well there. 

We spent our days in a factory and lunch at the canteen.  I am the typical kaypoh.  I checked out what the staff eat.  They have 3 dishes and huge pile.  Yet they are all very skinny.  The dishes are mainly vegetables with a little meat and mostly bones.  Yes, you read correctly.  The so-called meat dishes are more bones than meat!

It is quite healthy and I did not bring my medication for high pressure on purpose.  I am surprise my blood pressure is normal without medication when I measured last night.  So there is really something about diet.


Boh Tong aka Luke Tan said...

Welcome home BL. It's good to hear you are eating healthy in China.

BookLover said...

Thanks, BT. Now frequency of travel drop. So it is like going for holiday rather than work...