Sunday, September 07, 2014


I loved audio books.  I just started on Flourish by Martin Seligman.  He is famous for Authentic Happiness.  He is now saying pursuit of Happiness is incomplete and insufficient to explain about life.  We need more, we need purpose, achievement, flow and other parameters.  He cited other famous psychologist/philosoper or psychriatrist who suggest a singular theory to the pursuit of happiness.  There is an inherent issue as our life is a lot more complex.  The example he use is he may listen to a 6 years old playing piano not because he enjoys it but because the child playing is his and it is his responsibility to take care of and look after the child as a parent.

I am still at the beginning of the book and it is difficult to recall all the details without written words to refer to.  I may buy the book in future when there is a discount.

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