Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Drainage Improvements on the PCN

I missed all the creepy crawlies I could catch after thundershower at the PCN nowadays.  I used to be able to pick up earthworms large and small after heavy rain.  Just pass under the TPE, there are eels squirming around as well.  The drainage has been improved, so now the water do not flow out onto the paved track.  So nowadays no earthworms or eels.  I miss having the ability to give free live food for my arowana. 

My arowana has grown large on a diet of live fishes and earthworms.  Today, I gave it only dry food pellets.  It still get live seafood as baby guppies managed to go through the net which I use to isolate the guppies and goldfishes in the pond.

It is much nicer to ride after rain but no more worms or eels to collect.  But there are plenty of lizards in sunny days.  One I saw a fat toad, a couple of times - snakes.

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