Wednesday, April 02, 2014

Chinese Chinese Everywhere

Here I am in Ropponggi.  In my hotel, again, the Chinese tourists.  Lots of them.  It is incredible everywhere I go the tourists are in your face.  It is like a tsunami of people unleashed.  The weather is pretty good.  So I had a walk to Ropponggi and have dinner at the Outback.  I could not eat much and have only half a slab of my favorite bbq - baby backribs. 

This trip, I am likely to gain weight.  Two bbq dinners so far.  Tomorrow, will try Friday's if I have no dinner with my host. 

Tokyo has more kids about.  Starbucks which was usually empty is full this evening.  So I think the economy has improved.  It is more vibrant and people are out and about on a Wednesday night.

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