Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hot Day Cool Night

During the day, the thermometer is up.  Luckily, it is cool and breezy at night.  I can feel the breeze with my fan on.  It is only Feburary and our daytime temperature may be reaching new highs. I wish I can harness the solar energy.  I would love to have solar water heating.  My brother-in-law did a small solar water pump for his fish. It is working well.  Look like maintenance-free and keep his fishes alive. 

I just checked my pond and out of 100 goldfishes I bought before Chinese New Year, only one left.  The rest disappeared!  My arowana had a good feast!  I do not understand.  The soon hock which came as a baby fish we caught from the reservoir and grow to about 3 inches long died and I fed it to the arowana.  The arowana has a huge mouth!  It can swallow the soon hock whole!!!  My fishes are gone but water lilies are growing well.  Is this the lifecycle of a pond?

As I am typing out this blog, the wind is blowing strong.  So it is nice and cool.  I hope the weather can be cool all the time. 

Chinese New Year is officially over.  Many couples must have celebrated their twin Valentine Day.  We had family dinner at home and did not do anything special.

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