Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Heaving a Sigh of Relief!

Mum has send in the selection.  We have decided on Chinese Gentleman for first and second choice - Integrated Program and "O" level Program.  3rd and 4th choice is English Gentleman i.e. International Baccalaurate and "O" level.  Final two choices are the neighbourhood "good" school.  With the submission of our choices, I am relief.  It is a harrowing challenge to make so many choices and trying to predict the best outcomes for the results B3 had.  Many parents in the KiasuParents.com are not happy with their kids results even though some of them are in my mind fabulous.  Parents are not satisfied.  Singapore is a hugely competitive and driven society. 

The PAP government drives Singaporeans relentlessly.  The speeches and talks say one thing but the policies are designed to make sure it is the survival of the fittest.  One example is "Teach Less Learn More".  So syllabus is cut by 30% but examinations still test you on the 30% not taught.  So the teaching is transferred to tuition centers and tuition teachers.  The scholarships by PSC is another example.  The students are all top scorers in exams.  They are put on pedestals so the message to the rest of the parents and students is you are a loser when you did not score "A"s consistently throughout your academic career.

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