Sunday, August 18, 2013


It is lots of Motherhood and Apple Pie.  I do know if there are any real safety nets.  It is all individual responsibility.  As a friend told me during lunch, if you have a baby with birth defects, you will become bankrupt in two years even though government has assistance schemes and give you a sum of money so that you are responsible for deciding on the medicare for your child.

All the schemes are when you are working.  What will happen if you get retrenched?  What about schemes to help Singaporeans stayed employed?  He touches on global trends of technology and income gaps.  But no schemes to help Singaporeans stay gainfully employed.  It is always helping the poor which I totally agree.  How about the burden of middle class?  Nothing is said or mentioned.  I guess if you are in the middle class, you do not need or deserves any "help".

Overall, I am quite disappointed with the NDR aka National Day Rally.

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