Thursday, May 16, 2013

Earthworms Galore!

It was raining this morning.  I think the baby eels are out along the PCN.  So I can catch some as food for my arowana.  I cycle to the spot and pass an earthworm along the way but no eels!  Disappointed I thought I will just go back to pick up the earthworm I saw along the way.  I saw it and pick it up.  Then I saw several more along the edge where the grass meet the paved walkway.  I pick them up by hand.  Then I saw there are actually quite a few earthworms out.  I think it is the water that flooded the soil forcing them out in the open.  I am happy to catch so many worms and put most of them in the compost bin.

I gave a few to the arowana and small ones for the goldfishes.  The worms went fast!  The fishes loved the protein.

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