Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday Times - Less Interesting

I am finding that I am spend a lot less time reading the newspapers nowadays.  Sunday is the day I usually spend a lot of reading the newspaper for relaxation.  A few of my favorite columnists are no longer published in Sunday Times - Colin Goh, Lee Wei Ling, Chua Mui Hoong and the likes.  I realised it has changed since Warren Fernandez too over the leadership.  The Straits Times now so pro-govt that it is no longer engaging or interesting.  It is like reading a slanted paper.  I am a reader of printed prose.  So the newspaper is important.  However, I am turning more and more to internet for news and alternative views.

I am thinking the columnists I enjoyed reading.  They talked about life in general.  I loved Colin Goh's humour.  He is good with colloquial words and uses Singlish with great effect.  Wei Ling's stories are very good.  I like the empathy with the poor and sick.  She also studied in Canada and I can related to this experience.  Chua Mui Hoong is a Teochew with excellent command of English language. 

Now I am left with Sumiko Tan.  She is the last "man" standing.  Once she stopped writing, I may give up reading Sunday Times.  Ignatius Low is not bad but I have not read his column for a while now.  I also missed Janadas Devan columns.  He writes well too.  Looked like most gifted writers are leaving Straits Times in droves.  I am glad Richard Lim is back with is 60s column.

Overall, I have nothing again Warren Fernandez but I believe the readerships will continue to drop with his editorial pen.

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