Saturday, February 02, 2013

Massive Crowds in Chinatown

B1 suggested going to Chinatown after dinner.  He just wants to explain the Chinese New Year festive mood.  Mummy had a tummyache and decide not to go.  B3 did not want to go anyway.  So it all worked out well as B1 and B2 will be easier to handle if there is a situation.  Traffic in Chinatown is just a crawl.  It is impossible to get a carpark.  So we parked a distance away.

When we walk to towards Smith Street, it is just a sea of humanity.  I do not like crowds but just want to let my two boys experience how it is like just before CNY in Chinatown.  I was getting claustrophobic.  Everyone is walking slowly and looking at the items on sales.  B2 feel that it is like Jonker Walk in Malacca which is true.  Just that there are a lot more people here.

We finished our walk and go home at about quarter past 10.  CTE is so heavy traffic.  Saturday night is so busy.  Singapore do not sleep.

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