Monday, February 04, 2013

Common Wealth

Economics for a Crowded Planet.  I am listening to this book now.  I am at the first few chapter.  It talks about some of the problems CIA's good intention American interests have created.  In fact, CIA meddling with other countries internal politics have backfired a number of times.  The only problem is these examples are only highlighted by an academic in a book for Economics.  The author works in Earth Institute. 

Earth is getting consumed by the economic activities of human and huge growth in their numbers.  The pre-industrial level of carbon dioxide was 280 parts per million.  Today, the level of carbon dioxide is 380 parts per million.  The rise will cause changes in the weather pattern and have severe impact on our oceans.  In economic activity, man blatantly disregard future and future generation all for $$$$.  Technological advances have allow man to continue to grow its number.  Farms productivity mean more people can be fed and city living mean higher density with more people.  We are all fed by consuming more energy.  So alternate sources energy is vital for human race to continue it existence. 

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