Saturday, January 26, 2013

Random Thoughts

I am up early this morning before 5am.  It is usual for go to the AMK Ave 10 market for tea.  I do not know why I have this habit.  Maybe just sitting at home in the dark with the computer or TV for company is not good enough.  I need to be surrounded by people.  As I observed the bustling scene of hawkers busy with their wares, it reminds me of when I was just returning from living in Canada.  It is both novel and familar since it is the only busy place when I cannot sleep due to jetlag.  I also noticed the life is so different from Canada.  No wet market!  In Canada, when I have jetlag, I will be wandering about in the house.  Home is big, so enough room to wander about.  It is also cold as we usually reduce the thermostat at night to save energy cost.  My first task is to boil water to make a cup of hot drink.   

At least one common thread is a HOT drink when I get up.  The wet market also reminds me I am home.  Home in Asia and Singapore.  Canada is also home for me, my secondary home.  Also I been to many countries, it is short visit.  In Canada, my kids were born and they go to school there.  We also go to the doctors when one of us is sick.  Gone to the hospital for treatments.  Do repair in where we live, cut grass, visit friends, have friends over, kids sleepover, all the tiny routines that make the place a home.

Returning home, I took out the book Good Strategy Bad Strategy.  The audio version is exactly the same as the written.  I have this thought!  Why intelligence does not equal wealth?  Why I learn so much and increase my capability, yet I am just a regular guy in the scheme of life.  How come I am not like say Osim's founder, Ron Sim or Breadtalk's founder, George Quek who become multimillionaire.  Why are they so rich?  How did they do it?  Is it pure luck?  Or is it their good karma from previous life?  I am sure I am not less intelligent or knowledge, why why why!

I remember one time during a meeting, a colleague of mine blurt out - I am sure I am no less intelligent than K, but this does not mean I can do what he does.  Our boss immediately laugh and said "I have never doubt your intelligence!  You have a Masters in Operations Research!"  Now I can't remember what was the context she said what she said.  Maybe she is putting forth a point that others in the company are implying they can do what I do in the company.  She is a good friend and supporter.

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