Sunday, September 30, 2012

Hotel Saujana

It has been years since I was last here.  I first stay this hotel when I got the job to transfer from Canada to Singapore.  It was a hotel I stayed for a few trips until my sales manager suggested Sunway Lagoon and since then I have not been back until today.  This hotel is a golf resort.  There is nothing else here.  It is peace and tranquility.   I like Sunway hotel or Royale Bintang or Boulevard as there is a mall right beside the hotel and I can take walks whenever I can.  It is good exercise and therapeutic.  I do not buy lots of stuff but do enjoys exploring the resturants and supermarkets.  Best of all, bookshops especially Borders.

My colleague prefers the quiet place where he can stay in the room work.  He will be in all day working on the spreadsheets and numbers.  I need to do people watching and to do this I need a place where people come and go. 

I also like malls that offers kopi tiam or local style coffeeshop like Pappa Rich, Uncle Lim or Kuang Station.  Actually, Jom Bali in The Curve is one of my favorite coffeeshop.  Maybe more will show up in Singapore once the company start to expand outside Malaysia like the Comedian, Mark Lee who franchise OldTown Coffee.

Yes, I am old fashioned to be in love with Kopitiam.

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