Monday, August 13, 2012

Random Musings

I read the Minister meets with blogger with a tinge of envy.  "Gintai" is a blogger who worked in SMRT and blogged about the Malaysian colleagues who get a better deal working in Singapore then retiring back home with more than $1 million ringgits.  His analysis was thoughtful and reasoned.

Meanwhile my blog is kind of shallow.  It is a diary of my boring, sedate life.  Mostly on food, what I read and where I go.  Sometimes on my extended family.  Yet, when I review my past entries, it is very nice to recall the memories buries deep in my mind.  It is really impossible to remember most events unless we have photos and written records.  I enjoying reading it once in a while walking down memory lane.

No detailed well thought out and crafted analysis.  No sexy photos of food or juicy sexploits.  Just a regular guy with regular activities.  Nothing newsworthy.

Why am I writing everyday?  I am doing so to improve my writings.  I am also keeping a record of my life in cyberspace.  I hope future in case they ever want to know or find out how life is like when their fathers i.e. my three boys are growing up.  Or if any of my boys decide to walk to the memory lane living Singapore.

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