Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Bright Hill Temple

This morning I have to go to Bright Hill temple to run an errand for my in-laws as my father-in-law is in the hospital waiting to have his open heart surgery.  I am usually a little trepid going to Bright Hill temple as the crematorium is there.  The atmosphere is dreadful if there is a funeral.

This time, I spent some time exploring the temple.  It is a big temple, very clean and airy.  It is on a hilly terrain and the different buildings are connected at different level.  The temple is very open and in a sense welcoming.  Visitors are free to roam about.  There do not seem to have a place that has restricted access.  Cars are allowed to enter freely.  After visiting, I feel Buddhism and Bright Hill Temple is very open.  In contrast to my experience in the churches in Italy.  Visitors are usually confined to the main hall.  Access to other parts of the church are restricted.  Maybe the Bright Hill temple is designed where the monks' quarters are out-of-sight and have secret access.  I only saw two monks on my tour of the temple.

As I explore the temple, it is easy to tell that it will require a lot of volunteers and administrators to maintain and upkeep the place.  The temple is huge.  The temple is very clean and all the statues are in excellent condition.  So the place is very well run.  I am very impressed!

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