Sunday, April 01, 2012

Nice and Quiet

It is very quiet this morning. No lightning or thunder. No croaking of toads...except once in a long while. The whole neighbourhood is asleep on a lazy Sunday morning. I was asleep last night during the Earth hour. So I did not have a chance to see if my neighbours participated by turning off all the lights.

B3 was very excited about the Earth hour. I do not know if he will make sure we switched off all our lights. I have to check with him when he wakes up. B3 was also asking abot 2012. In a few months, the world we know is supposed to come to an end. I told him nothing is going to change, our conciousness will increase and we will be more spiritual.

There is a fire in Lee Gardens Hotel in Hatyai. It is directly opposite the Central hotel we usually stayed in when we were there for meetings. Thankfully, no Singaporeans was injured even though there were about 50 injured. I do not like Central Hotel in Hatyai. There are no visible emergency exits and the only way to get in and out of the hotel is through three lifts on the reception that is on the 5th floor. The first four floors is the Central shopping mall. I always feel uneasy staying there as I feel trapped. It is fine when everything is normal and running. If there is a terrorist threat or fire, the hotel is a death trap. Anyway, I will not have to go the Hatyai anymore. I will be sorry if any of my ex-colleagues get into any incident there in future.

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