Friday, February 17, 2012

Still Waiting

I am still waiting and hoping the witness of the accident at the carpark. Just like the 995 show, I wonder about the karma and good begets good and evil begets evil. The law of reciprocity. He who sow the seeds reaps the harvest.

Just like the 995 last night, sometimes I feel this law does not seem to apply to good people. Bullies and evildoers seem to be able to get away with murder and do better through their actions.

My drain was clogged and I spent the afternoon getting very dirty and smelly. I was untouchable!

I have to stop whining and focus on my 3 gratitudes.

1. Considering the afternoon spent on dirty work, I am still alive and kicking. Feeling alive and doing my routine stuff.

2. I had a simple but good lunch of mee siam and nasi lemak in Lucky Plaza with my wife.

3. B1 is back home. We have all three boys together for the weekend. It is good to be a complete family for dinners.

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