Friday, January 13, 2012

Greenwich is Open!

All three boys are home and still active and lively now. They are like owls refusing to go to bed. I am having a hard time nagging and giving threats. It is an energy sapping exercise. Fatherhood is one of the toughest job. Tomorrow all of them have activities. B2 is SOT bridging course and B1 is NUS tea session for liberal arts course.

Greenwich commercial center is open now. The Christmas lights on the trees and food court Seletar Kopi bright and busy make quite exciting to explore. B3 insisted we go, however the carpark was full and we have to go again by cycling. There are going to be a number of resturants like BBQ Chicken, Empire State, Paradise Inn and another 3 or 4 more which is hard for me to recall. Cold Storage is handy but a little expensive. The carpark has limited parking space. Maybe once it starts to charge parking fees, the cars will not stay so long.

Greenwich will become vibrant at night.

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