Wednesday, January 11, 2012

JC or Poly?

It is a mad scramble to visit many JCs and Poly. Understand the courses they offer and the cutoff points requirements. My sister is doing the same thing. She is going to all the different JCs even though her son did well and will definitely enter Anderson Junior College.

Meanwhile, B2 at a higher score or poorer results has less options. He is now making a difficult choice of JC or Poly. JC means he will go on to an University and become a graduate. Poly will mean Diploma which mean less prestige and lower earning power. There are more entreprenuers from Poly as it is a practice-oriented education. Poly is good for people who are not so academically inclined.

The pendulum keeping swinging between poly and jc for B2. Before the "O" level results were out, he was keen on Poly. Then he thinks he want to go to JC. Now, this evening, he think it is poly again. So we shall see. Friday is the D day...

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