Monday, December 12, 2011

Rome con't

The roads in the city are paved with stones, the steps are carved from stone, the old crumbling buildings are built using stone technology, The old technology of Europe is stone and well developed. In China, the only place I see so many stones is The Great Wall. The columns in front of historical buildings were carved from stone. At the colosseo(where the gladiators fight to their deaths), we can see the some of the storage areas for repair works. We noticed the old parts were solid stones. However, some of the columns have small square tubes embedded lengthwise. The repairs must be done with faux stones.

The roads are narrow and the pedestrian walkways narrower. No green at all, at a birdeyes view, it is a long narrow canal between two rows of buildings. The police drive electric cars and there are plenty of electric cars in Rome, so Italy is way ahead in conservation of Mother Earth. Another interesting car is a tiny two seater that can be park crosswise on a parking lot. Young women are garbage collectors, B2 noticed garbage are not smelly and a lot cleaner than back home.

We took the Metro and each journey cost 1 euro. 10 years old child is free. So travel on public tansit is quite reasonable. The system is same as Toronto. The journey can be mixed with train, bus or electric tram within 75mins.

When the day breaks, we will be going to the Vatican city. My friend from Thailand told me just before I left she would loved to see the Vatican. I am looking to visit one of the holiest city in the world.

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