Thursday, November 24, 2011


Just opposite City Square Mall is a coffee shop that has a North Indian foodstall that makes good naan. B2 is having a gathering with his classmates in City Square Residences. So we lunch there with B2's good friend and classmate, H. She is a very sweet girl and we enjoys her company.

We always ate plain naan at a dollar each. I saw garlic naan that was prepared for someone else and it looked yummy. So we tried one piece and then go for second. We have on plain naan leftover to bring home. We also tried the mutton biryani. It is only so-so. Best biryani is still in North Point Mall in Yishun.

Our maid wants to go home today because she was given a lot of stories on her transfer. We know she is being cheated and we, here current employer will be left holding the bag. So we refused and she became upset and wants to go home right away. We have to scramble to get her a ticket home. So home sweet home for her tonight.

B2 and B3 was hungry and I toasted the leftover naan and butter it while it is still in the toaster. Mmmmm! It was yummy! Unfortunately, naan is all carbo and very fattening. It is so delicious! Simple and good food.

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