Friday, August 26, 2011

My Favorite Activities

I missed my reading. I am distracted at work to read. Luckily, the audiobooks are helping me to continue to read although I may not be paying too much attention at times. My motto is Reading maketh a Man. I also need to write to achieve a dream of being published one day. Today is a blog with a tiny readership. However, I know I have to write every day. My writings are quite dull at time and mostly a diary of my activities and books I read. Sometimes I missed a day or two due to work worries. The other reason is blogging is blocked in China. China has a tight control over the internet.

I am also wondering if I have less thinking time as I listen to audiobooks. Thinking is an important activity that gets push aside when reading audiobooks. So now my thinking space is while driving alone which is quite infrequent. I also think while swimming.

My favorite activities in order of priority: Reading, Thinking and Writing. TRW instead of 3R:)

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