Sunday, August 21, 2011

Kishore Mahbubani

After reading his article in International Herald Tribune - A Rudderless World(, I did some search in the internet and find Kishore is a prolific writer and also have his interview with HardTalk BBC in Youtube.

I read his views and find I had formed opinions similar to his. West is on the decline was his mantra. The interview in BBC HardTalk is very telling. The BBC host has no desire to listen to Kishore's views and response. It is so obvious that the West is so full of themselves. They are the eyes that see but see not itself.

US and Europe will continue to decline if they refuse to see the current realities. This may be good for the East. Although East and West are interdependent, West had be strong in the past 200 years. The arrogance of money and power of economic superiority is hard for the West to give up. It is a matter of time that East will be equal and then surpass the West.

Jim Rogers, the billionaire has the foresight that the East is the future. He engaged a fulltime Mandarin tutor from Beijing for his daughters. Knowing Chinese Language he says is the best gift for he has for his kids.

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