Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Productive Reading

I have been reading quite productively last few weeks. I managed to finish three books from cover to cover. Usually, I read multiple books at one time. Thrive is quite interesting as it is about happy places in the world which Singapore is included. The other book is Let Your Creativity Bloom by YKK, a Malaysian author and Friday with Philips in my earlier entry for this blog.

My boys do not seem to have as much love for reading like me. Maybe they are exposed to the new media especially internet where you can get short videos and short articles. So their attention span is short. B1 and B2 have read plenty of novels and B3 like non-fiction books. B3 enjoys books on science, ancient animals and how-to like Tell Me How. They do not gravitate to bookstores or library like me. A psychic once told me I was a librarian in one of my previous lives. I do not know about whether the psychic is real or just giving me some bullxxxx. It does makes sense. Everyone around me can see I am a bookworm.

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