Thursday, October 07, 2010

Bermuda Triangle

BBC has a documentary on Bermuda Triangle. Ships, aeroplanes have disappeared over the years. Even today, there are ships disappearing in Bermuda Triangle without a trace or distress signal. It is a mystery and until now, we do not understand or know our Earth. Some say our Earth is hollow. Why are there such theories? There must be some stories. One I have read is people have gone into the center of the Earth, literally and came back to tell the story.
Edgar Cayce says Bermuda Triangle is due to the power crystal still buried below the sea and every now and then will cause ships and airplanes passing by to shift to another dimension. According to Lobsang Rampa, off the coast of Japan has similar phenomenon of disappearing acts and the place is called The Devil's Sea.

Right here on Earth, there are so many mysteries. Our understandings of our world is still at a primitive stage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have the same interest to know more about this Bermuda Triangle. The disappearance stories I've read attracted me to search the reason either it was happened miraculously or it is because there is another geographical structures in the earth core caused to this magnetic kind of incidence. Tell more about this if u get more info ya...