Monday, May 03, 2010

Mad Science

This book is a record of science experiments pioneers. Many interesting experiments conjure and thought out by psychologists, scientists and mad scientists.

Some are utterly disgusting like eating the spit and vomit of cholera victims to test the theory cholera was contagious. One scientist after knowing two baby girls were reared by wolves in the wild want to test it out. However no parents are willing to let their baby be foster out to the wild. He does the opposite and try to rear a wild animal like a human baby. So he convinced his wife and concieve a child. They then brought in a chimpanzee and give it exactly the same treatment as their baby boy. At the age where other American kids know 150 words, their son only know 50. The psychologist terminated the experiment a few months later. The outcome of the experiment was instead of the wild animal becoming more human, their baby was learning more to be like a wild animal!!!

This book is interesting reading. I am enjoying the lighter side. This is from Borders in Penang.

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