Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just One Meal

I was making progress with my weight control. I chose the word control rather than loss because it is hard for me to lose weight. My weight was 89kg at night after dinner about 4 weeks ago. Weight will change during the day with all the activities. Meal increase it and passing urine and motion decrease it. To be consistent, even though I weigh myself many times a day, I will use the weight before going to bed as the consistent measure. I also measure it in my birthday suit.

I have been progressing to 87.5kg. Last night, the scale reads 88.2. All it takes is one dinner. I had Hagen Dazzs ice-cream before dinner to use up the 1 for 1 coupon (sigh!) and had a Nonya bak chang(rice dumpling) and two Soon Kuehs plus the usual complement of braised vegetable and tonkatsu(deep fried pork chop). I bought all the food since I have to pass Alexander Road where the Famous Soon Kueh store is.

I have a real weakness for the yummy local delights. I even advise my sons to enjoy the food while they can because if we ever relocate back to Canada, there will be only Cantonese-style bak chang and no more Teochew or Nonya style we have in Singapore.

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