Saturday, February 20, 2010

It is different!

I found that audio books are usually abridged and listening to the book is quite different from reading them on print. Some of the points seems repetitive. I just check through the book which I just heard and found that they are all in the book. So audio book is a good complement to the hard copy. Listening can be distracting. Also it is hard to stay focus as well. Many a time, I did not pay attention to the words as I concentrate on my environment while riding my bike.

Unabridged book can be very tedious to listen to. The. Omnivore Dilemma has 10 CDs. By the fifth or sixth CDs, I began to feel exhausted. So I skip the balance and jump straight to the last sound track.

While I am still enthusiatic about audio book, it is somewhat dampen now. Maybe, the newness has wear off...

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