Sunday, January 03, 2010

What the Dog Saw

Malcolm Gladwell is a talented writer. He strings facts from different research and the form startling conclusions. Even mundane stuff like ketchup can be a treatise under Gladwell's pen. There is an article on his latest book What the Dog Saw on over-rated over-paid talent. The risk is high when you pay handsomely for "talent" rather than performance. He cited a study done when a group of children were given challenging test. The group is divided into two regardless of their results. One group was praise for their intelligence and the other their hard work. On subsequent tests, the group praise for their intelligence perform worse and tries to avoid difficult test questions whereas the group praise for their hard work improve their performance.

He cited only one study. I am not sure if this can be applied in general and in what context. I read similar research done as well. Psychology experiments can be tricky if we draw conclusions but I think there may be some truths as hard work seems to be the surer way to success as the old adage The key to riches is through honest and hard work.

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