Friday, January 01, 2010

Happy New Year

Around the world, everyone celebrate New Year with fireworks and many interviewed on Channel News Asia had similar wishes as me. That 2010 will be a better year than 2009. Let's put our past behind and look forward to better times. I am optimistic as Governments of the World put in their best and concerted effort to avert a depression and it is succeeding. The economies recover like a V.

Many jobs disappeared but more jobs were saved. The commodity prices skyrocketed and then drop like a rock. They have climb back up by more than 50% from their bottom. At work, most retain their jobs. The mood while gloomy is not black like the end of the world. The results were astounding for Q4. So we all can celebrate that while the pay is lower, we still have income and maintain a reasonable lifestyle after tightening our belts.

2010 marks the closing of chapter 2009 and beginning of a new chapter. How this chapter will be written is still unclear. There are much hope and optimism by everyone including yours truly. I will continue to log on my blog my daily thoughts and activities. I will read and reflect more. With this blog, I will leave a legacy for my wife and sons. Memories of our lives together and the love we share.

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