Wednesday, December 02, 2009

How to Improve Your English

English is the key medium of communication in our current business world. Writing clearly and concisely is an important way to be sure we are understood. Here are some of the ways I employ to improve my English:

a. Use dictionary to make sure I get the exact meaning and spelling of the words I am using. I have two computer versions loaded in my computer and both can do pronounciation.

b. Learn the basic rules of grammar. Malaysians from Chinese schools speak and write English without subjects and objects. They expect their readers and listeners to read their minds.

c. Read voraciously. Reading and getting more exposure to the language is learning by immersion and practice.

d. Ask someone with better English to help vet and correct your written document to get rid of glaring grammatical and spelling errors that computer software cannot correct.

e. Always use the software tools such as spell checker and grammar-check to do clean up.

It is not difficult to improve your English. It just requires some good habits.

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