Thursday, November 05, 2009

Public Speaking

Standing in front of people to speak is not an easy task for most people. Public speaking requires practice and more practice. Practice is the act of doing. Practice speaking alone or in front of a mirror evoke different feelings than in front of an audience. Size matters! Audience size is big, it becomes a jittery. If the audience include your boss and your boss' boss or your teachers, butterflies tends to float inside your stomach.

Many techniques are taught by public speaking instructors. Imagine your audience to be a flock of sheep, look at your audience and imagine they are naked (I would be too distracted to speak!), or have eye contact with your audience and imagine you are having a direct conversation with that person, look confident and pretend to be confident when all your insides are quaking like jelly...

Like blogging, public speaking can be addictive once you get the hang of it. I love to speak in front of an audience. I get an adenaline rush.

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