Monday, October 26, 2009

Happiness vs Pleasure

Pleasure is exhausted by usage. It is linked to an activity. Authentic happiness is not linked to an activity. It is the state of being.

The exercise is remember an occasion of inner joy and happiness. Recall how you felt when you made someone really happy or when you peacefully enjoyed the company of a loved one or the sight of a beautiful scenery.

Eating is pleasurable to me. Drinking tea and coffee as well. Indulging in my pleasures increases my waistline.

What made me happy? I recall I was in Pre-U 1(JC1 in today's lingo), I was extremely happy when I heard my classmate, Tan Kun Hoo passed his driving test in his first try. Even Kun Hoo was surprised I am so happy for him. I always remember his reactions to my happiness. He says "Why are you so happy when I am the one who pass?" A few months later, I pass my driving test on my first attempt with only 19 hours driving practice. The achievement make me proud and happy. The first in my family and our immediate circle to pass the test with one attempt. Achievements make me happy.

I am also very happy to see my team members develop and grow in capability and performance. I feel great when they leave for higher responsibility and increased earning. Making others happy is a good way to make me happy. Happiness is infectious.

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