Saturday, August 08, 2009

A Canadian Perspective and Rebuttal

In the Forum, the letters from readers in Straits Times, a Canadian wrote how lucky Singaporean are. They have lift and covered walkways and should appreciate the country. Then a Singaporean wrote in to compare the social benefits for jobless and down and out. He says any Singapore will gladly give up the covered walkways for those benefits.

Today, in the Forum, the Canadian rebutted and says in Toronto there are plenty of homeless and in Singapore there are none. This Canadian lives in Singapore for a few years. He see all the positive side of living in Singapore. All of which is true. What he does not see or know is there is a government agency in Singapore who will pick up homeless or beggars and clear them off the streets. If Toronto does the same thing, I am quite sure it will get ride of the homeless as well. The challenge is in a Canadian society this may not be an acceptable option.

Examinations is a basic requirement Day 1 of formal school for Singaporeans. In Canada, it is a taboo. No one should be tested.

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