Saturday, April 25, 2009


The new executive committee members of Aware are Christians from the same church. This reminds me of many Christians I met when I was in school and out on the street minding my own business. Christians will come up and talk about me being a sinner and to accept Christ to be release from the everlasting fire when I die. They asked "what religion am I?" "Buddhist" I replied. "Buddha is a great man" they would say. "A truly great man but still a MAN! However, Jesus Christ is God".

Now, we have Josie Lau and her "mentor" telling AWARE President and ex-President that they were going into too many areas. Then, they were too focussed. They were wrong to promote gay and lesbianism... self-righteous Christians imposing their views on others!

Buddha's Middle Way. This is we must all practise.

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